
The Godfather

The summer of 1945, head of Mafia Corleone family of our department of U.S.A., " godfather " Don Vito Corleone has held the grand wedding for little daughter Connie. " godfather " has three sons: Lustful eldest son Sonny, the cowardly second son Fredo and young son Michael who just came back from two battle fields. Among them Sonny is " godfather "'s capable assistant; And though Michael knows the own business, have no interests to the " undertakings " of the families .
" godfather " is a head of Mafia, often do the illegal literary composition to act as. But at the same time he is the patron saints of a lot of small and weak common people , firmly get people to love. It is to never buy to sell and poison people that he has a criterion . He refuse demand , drugpusher of Sollozzo for this, and sharpen and New York other several contradiction , Mafia of family. Shortly before Christmas, Sollozzo kidnapped " godfather "'s big son-in-law Tom, sent someone to assassinate " the godfather ". " godfather " hits rifles and is admitted to hospital . Sollozzo wants Tom to try to make Sonny agree the drugs are bought and sold, negotiate again. The modest Buddhist nun is brave but not resourceful, he swears to revenge , but at one's wit's end. Michael goes to the hospital to visit father, he finds a bodyguard has already been bribed, and police also gang up with Sollozzo. Fighting among every family may be triggered at any moment. Mike has made a stratagem and lured Sollozzo into negotiating with the police chief. In a cafe, Michael shoots Sollozzo and police chief dead with the pistol hiding in the lavatory in advance.
Sollozzo has run away to Sicily, he has married beautiful girl there, live the life like the idyll. And at this moment, the kill in revenge among each Mafia family of New York is fiercer and fiercer . Sonny is betrayed by husband of Connie Carlo too, being hit and had is riddled with gaping wounds. " godfather " is back in business, the conciliation among every family of the arrangement . Hear Michael of sad news attacked too. Bombs are put on the car of Michael by the bodyguard who is bribed. Although Michael escapes death by sheer luck, loses the beloved wife bitterly. Mike got back to New York in 1951, married girl friend ago.
The old and feeble " godfather " has passed family's head's position to Michael day by day. After " godfather " dies of illness, Michael has begun to ferment the vengeance for a long time. He sends someone to assassinate the heads of another two hostile families , and has killed the bodyguard plotting to murder his former wife in person. At the same time he orders people to kill Carlo too, revenged for Sonny. The foe counts and wipes out to the limit. Connie rushes into the door because the husband is killed , tears and hits Michae crazily . Michae orders people to send Connie to the madhouse gravly and sternly. " godfather " that he has already become of new generation - -Don Corleone .

The Matrix

In the near future, a young network hacker Neo, finds the seemingly normal real world is controlled by a artificial intelligence system of computer which is called " Matrix " in fact, just like animal that he grazed people. Neo looks for everything about " Matrix " in the network. Saw head Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne ) who the hacker organized under the guide of a mysterious girl Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss ) later, three people go on and resist the journey of " Matrix " together.
" Neo, you once did such a dream, was so sure a thing of yours true? Can you wake up from such a dream? Can you tell the difference between dreamland and real world? "
Neo want truth to pursue " matrix " in all desperation- he hear about to whisper it always among dream, this is a kind of mysterious thing that can't know , he can certainly feel it is controlling him ominously .
"What is matrix? "Neo does not know , but he believes Morpheus , personages in a legend , one is depicted as very dangerous person and can give him an answer .
"Nobody can make clear what is ' matrix ' , you is it think to go in person only. "
Neo is facing another question: Is he it? Certainly , though does not know why , the answer to Neo is " not ". The friend of Morpheus agrees to his view. Other people are not so sure .
In addition, somebody protects " Matrix ", led by grim Smith, they grasp the startling secret.
Neo , Morpheus and Trinity must oppose the strong enemy to pursue the answer , look for oneself with their life .
Every of them step is crisis-ridden ......

All Quiet on the Western Front

During the First World War, the armies of two generations of William , emperor of Germany are at war in such countries as the east , west Line two and Russia , France , Great Britain ,etc., the war is very tense , fierce. The German government calls upon hospitable student volunteers youngly to join in the battle field with the beautiful slogan , in a certain small city of rear of Germany, a group of young students are under the circumstances that old teacher's health ask chauvinism of Rec to instigate, register to join the army. 19 -year-old Paul thinks as a hero, then under the circumstances that the government propagates so-called " fighting bravely bravely", slogan " safeguarding motherland " wholeheartedly, have volunteered to register too. He triumphant friend have nurse's profit wish , Mu Le ,etc. join the army too , among them one is called Bei Mu's, he suffers from the chest disease , and they are assigned in the same army. The teenagers hoodwinked become a soldier in this way, they part the hometown and relative, go to do a killing job for militarism. Paul and classmates enlisted in the armed forces put into tense military training. They work from dawn to dusk, run back and forth in the loose and also wet and black field, toss about several times, exhaustedly tired, and drillmaster's history asks that will " train them convincedly " then , become " the real German soldier ". These young men idealized all life , war originally, but innocent illusion evaporated now. Soon, the classmates of Paul and he after training are sent to the west line and entered a war. What is it about these young men never know the war, suffer the bombardment with fierce artillery fire once going to the front, under the report of roaring, they are all scared out of one's wits, some have cried, wet trousers of some urine. Fortunately they have met a good monitor Catchings' base , he is an old soldier, looking after these " child soldiers " who have scanty experience of life very much, he comforts them voluntarily, teach the skill that they survive in the battle field. Then Paul and classmates begin to wash and go to the front, kill others' love son, seize others' life. Playing it in the rain, they have the idea that " I do not kill , people kill me too " in arms and cry and " wash , kill ", the failure, retreat down, then attack. In the intension and fear of the height, the shellfish nurse has really gone mad. Of the one fight, triumphant nurse leg that profit wish blow up , lose the young life, Mu Le is poisonned to death by the chemical poison gas. Moreover, the soldiers but also stand the hunger , humidity , disease and terrible weather on the position . Paul's grief profoundly : "Why fight? " Paul is injured too in a fight , sent the field hospital to treat, sanctioned coming back home to visit mother after recovering. The seriously ill mother sees the safe son who comes back being extremely glad . But she raises thin sorrow again in the heart, I wonder whether the son could also come back next time. Paul's mother in order to see too but worry. The day rejoining one's unit will arrive soon, this day, Paul passes by the Alma Mater , see the teachers are still advocating the war , mobilize the students to join the army. Paul detests the war, feels grief and indignation to every gesture of them, but those students are still taking pleasure in this ! After Paul returns to the front , find a group of innocent , inmature " child soldiers " in that year as they have come in the company, there is not many old companion left. Originally, at time when he has a holiday, the companions in the class almost all died, only have a person of old monitor Catchings' base left. And at this moment, Catchings gene army supplies the difficulty, goes out to go to find " child soldier " the thing eaten. Paul runs out of the company, has a lot of trouble to find the old monitor, reunites after long separation, two people are particularly glad . Proper at this moment, a bomber flies here, throws down the bomb, the shell fragment flies to the old monitor, has wounded him. Paul spares no efforts to carry Catchings' base to the medical station , but he has already died. One day, the armistice of both sides, the west line is unusually calm. Paul waiting in the trench has found a beautiful butterfly, but when he climb out of the trench to catch butterflieses, suddenly a sound of rifles sounded, Paul was hit by the stray bullet, he fell down. However, on war communique of the headquarter of front of German army of this day, writing clearly " All Quiet on the Western Front ".


Once Upon a Time in America

Italian director Sergio Leone becoming famous in order to shoot the Italian western film, leads the audience to stretch over for more than 40 years, take Jew community of New York as the backgroud, narrate the resentment feeling enemy of the entanglement between four young playmates who grew up together while as a child. The movie emperor Robert De Niro of gold medal plays Noodles, is a protagonist of four high priests, this film and its crime career of partner as main shaft, it is one that describe between friendship and set against , loyal and reactionary gang epic film that human nature conflict of betraying etc. with end grand to ask for, the era background crosses over economy big and panic and prohibitting such important major issues in U.S.A.'s history as the drinkers' wager game and the First World War ,etc.. Send performer James Woods to publish the decorations corner in the film too in artistic skills; This film entered the best achievement in directing of Golden Ball Award in those years, and large immensely popular film sound trackses, can be rated as Italy the most favourite Ennio Morricone of master obtain with this film best original work music of Golden Ball Award nominate too, Ennio Morricone took the audience back to Jew districts of New York many years ago with sad nostalgic dubing in background music, review the conditions and customs in the past.
This is one of Sergio Leone " American trilogies ", it is the images of U.S.A. of 20-60 times in Italian's eyes. The director changes the pattern of the Hollywood traditional western movie, has moulded the personage that the underworld people in U.S.A. go through fire and water image with the unique visual angle .
U.S.A. of the twenties, the teenager in New York of nickname " Noodles " knew clever and crafty MAX with several friends of the same age. They begin to be engaged in the smuggling activity. Soon, Noodles wounds the human life while fighting with weapons in once, is put into the prison. Noodles is released and released from prison after several years, the little partners in that year have already become the ripe and stalwart youth. Under the leadership of MAX, they return to old trade, have begun a series of activities of robing, stealing, extorting . With the deepenning constantly of criminal activity, MAX seems to be dizzied with victory, unexpectedly list the federal reserve bank of U.S.A. in the action goal too. To had barred window experience noodles can't bear to watch the good friend move towards destroying , phone to report to the police stealthily , want to force MAX to accept hands. Police and Noodles of the noodles launch the fierce gunplay, MAX ,etc. are all killed . The noodles is under extreme regret and agony, leave the place to grow by oneself, have left the loved girl, walk in the alien land far.
Decades later, Noodles close to dusk goes back to the township frustratedly, the accident finds all in that year was the elaborate plan of MAX originally. He borrows the noodles and police's hands and removes the partner , escapes unnoticed, has swallowed up huge sums of money of the clique by oneself, rank among the political circles after changing to a new form, become the distinguished personages of upper class . Last Noodles MAX not killing by oneself, so as illusion redeem one's own sin of,, refused by Noodles. Jump into rubbish pulverizer commit suicide under MAX have no way.

Brave Heart

When William Wallace is still the child, father of him, hero of Scotland , die in the struggle with army of Great Britain. He who is immature studies under the guidance of father's good friend and Wushu.

Time passes fast, Edward Wang in Great Britain is in order to consolidate the governance in Scotland, it allows the British noble to enjoy the marriage young girl's first night right in Scotland to issue the decree, in order to let the noble pledge loyalty to the imperial family. Prince princess Isabella pieces of accomplished lady of resolution, she knows this dish of decrees will let the British noble have an open mind as regards Scotland , but will evoke the resistance of the Scottish people even more. Young Wallace finishes study and gets back to the homeland, proposes the beautiful plum human relations of young girl, would like to be a person abiding by the law and behave oneself. But Mei Lun is vied for unreasonably by the army of Great Britain , and is murdered , Wallace broke out at last. Cry on after shout in the masses of villager " hero " in the , they start an uprising, kill the Great Britain soldier and claim to rise in revolt.

Scottish noble Rob wants to become the Scottish feudal lord , under the instigation of his father Booth, the unction enters into an alliance with Wallace. Wallace has defeated the army of Great Britain coming to attack, Scottish noble's parliament confers knights on him, appoint him as Scotland and protect the country commonly . But Wallace finds what these Scottish nobles considered are only one's own interests, do not worry about the people and national future at all. Edward is in order to relax the situation, the peace talk that send Isabella. But because the Great Britain king does not consider at all the people's freedom is and equal, only want to regard bribing Wallace as the condition , the peace talk has failed. Isabella just discovers after going back the peace talk is a shop sign at all, the Great Britain king converges the Scottish army that the armies of Irish army and law surround Wallace together, she gives letter to Wallace at once. Under pressing on to the border in the main forces, the nobles are in a flutter, Wallace leads troops and goes to war , tangled warfare, in fighting at close quarters, he unexpected to find Rob collude with Great Britain king unexpectedly, can't help being attacked extremely.

Isabella is infatuated with Wallace's lofty sentiments, comes to the guard station to unbosome one's own true feelings to him, two people are intoxicated in the happiness of the love. The Great Britain king puts forward the peace talk again. Wallace knows perfectly well it is a snare , but think about the peace, he still promises. Booth has designed the conspiracy and caught Wallace in Edinburg, and send him to the Great Britain king. Rob felt in a towering rage about father's trick , Wallace was sentenced to death at last. It is good for Isabella to plead, on one's deathbed, she tell Great Britain Wang what she cherished is not the prince's blood vessels in Great Britain king, and this child will become the new Great Britain king.

Wallace shouts and shakes all people " freely " before punishment. Several weeks later, when confered upon, the slogan that Rob revenged for Wallace before shouting, inherit Wallace's unfulfilled wish and oppose Great Britain's army bravely .

A Beautiful Mind

" A Beautiful Mind" is a feature film about a true and genius extremely rich human nature . The prototype of the story is the mathematics Jr.John Forbes Nash . The handsome and very odd one receives in assorted early years and finds on making surprising mathematics, begin to enjoy international reputation. Receive assorted outstanding intuition plague by schizophrenia , make he supreme brilliant course that level march the enormous change has taken place to academy. Once smashed a lot of people's challenge in the face of this, received assortedly under the help of wife Alicia that was loving deeply , do not fear at all, resist doggedly. Through the difficult efforts of decades, he overcame this misfortune at last, and got Nobel Prize for study of Confucian classics in 1994. This is a legend story of a piece of real people and real events , receive and continue cultivating assortedly in his field today.

Little John Forbes - receive assortedly in 1947 (Luo Su - Chloe's decorations , Russell Crowe) enter Princeton University and study and study mathematics. Prepare the experience of the class on these " mysterious from West Virginia talent " have, legacies or the rich relative do not subsidize him to enter " alliance's school of Ivy League ----But there is Princeton most the scholarship of reputation proves he really belongs to this group of Princeton.

This is very difficult for receiving assortedly and to Princeton. Graceful social communication he scorn to take even a glance at at all , have a class what interest does it mention either. He indulges in a thing all day : Look for a really creative theory. He is deeply convinced it is this's the thing that he should be engaged in.

The department of mathematics of Princeton is very fierce in competition , it is very glad to see that receive the assorted failure too to receive some assorted classmates. However, they still tolerate him very much, instigate him as a great man consciously or unconsciously. He and some classmates shed amusement in the locality in one evening, their response to a hospitable blue-eyed and golden-haired woman caused his inspiration at that time. When receiving and observing these rivals assortedly, often the idea fermenting suddenly became clear in his brain. His thesis published about the game theory in writing thereupon ----" mathematics in the competition " ----Have made different explanations of father of modern economy Adam- the theory of Smith boldly. This has already been accepted the thought for 150 years by people to suddenly become outmoded, have received assorted life too and changed from then on.

Have received and got and carried on the research and work of teaching assortedly in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT ) later, this is the job that a piece of everybody covets , but he is unsatisfied with these. Science once played an enormous role for American winning in World War II. Now, the cold war prevails, receive and wish eagerly to give play to one's own advantage assortedly in this new conflict . Realizing in the he one hope,William on it is mysteriously- the thorough in handkerchief (William Parcher,Ed- there aren't Harris, Ed Harris) recruit him and participate in a top-secret task , analyses and explains the enemy's password.

It is assorted while working in Massachusetts Institute of Technology to receive , make the commitment to this job of taking up one's energy. Here, has received and received a kind of brand-new challenge assortedly , but the challenge this time is to come from coloured and dazzling Alicia - draw and guide (Alicia Larde, Jennifer- can't adorn with Connelly,Jennifer Connelly),pieces of department of physics student, she is to the idea of receiving and introducing one assortedly and never considering conscientiously ----Love.

Soon , receive assorted to marry Alicia, but he can tell her he for handkerchief thorough dangerous project engaged ined. This job is so careless slightly as to reveal, the consequence will be too ghastly to contemplate . It has to do silently to receive assortedly, he has been fascinated deeply by this job, and lose it in the illusion that these can't be resisted finally. Through diagnosing , what he got is vainlying hope type schizophrenia.

Receiving the assorted experience and is frightened terribly by Alicia, she is struggling and is being destroyed under the heavy pressure that the talent loves. Seem to bring new terror to them with every whole day, this has already lost the share that let people envy originally to admirable companion. But Alicia has still found his glamour free from worldly cares on man whom she loved, this too supports the source that she promises to him. Receive that faithful love of Chongqing and loyal emotion of hers, it determines finally that considered to be thising can only take a favorable turn , can't cure the disease and do struggle to receive assortedly.

Humble receiving the assorted goal is very simple, but it is extremely difficult to realize these goals . Under the heavy pressure of the serious illness, he is still driven by that exciting mathematics theory, he is determined to look for one's own method to return to normal . It is through the strength of the will definitely, he continues carrying on his work as before , and got the Nobel Prize in 1994. Meanwhile, he has much perspective work to become the theory with strongest influence power of the 20th century in game theory, and it is assorted to receive and become one and not merely have beautiful emotion , the person that has beautiful soul.