
A Beautiful Mind

" A Beautiful Mind" is a feature film about a true and genius extremely rich human nature . The prototype of the story is the mathematics Jr.John Forbes Nash . The handsome and very odd one receives in assorted early years and finds on making surprising mathematics, begin to enjoy international reputation. Receive assorted outstanding intuition plague by schizophrenia , make he supreme brilliant course that level march the enormous change has taken place to academy. Once smashed a lot of people's challenge in the face of this, received assortedly under the help of wife Alicia that was loving deeply , do not fear at all, resist doggedly. Through the difficult efforts of decades, he overcame this misfortune at last, and got Nobel Prize for study of Confucian classics in 1994. This is a legend story of a piece of real people and real events , receive and continue cultivating assortedly in his field today.

Little John Forbes - receive assortedly in 1947 (Luo Su - Chloe's decorations , Russell Crowe) enter Princeton University and study and study mathematics. Prepare the experience of the class on these " mysterious from West Virginia talent " have, legacies or the rich relative do not subsidize him to enter " alliance's school of Ivy League ----But there is Princeton most the scholarship of reputation proves he really belongs to this group of Princeton.

This is very difficult for receiving assortedly and to Princeton. Graceful social communication he scorn to take even a glance at at all , have a class what interest does it mention either. He indulges in a thing all day : Look for a really creative theory. He is deeply convinced it is this's the thing that he should be engaged in.

The department of mathematics of Princeton is very fierce in competition , it is very glad to see that receive the assorted failure too to receive some assorted classmates. However, they still tolerate him very much, instigate him as a great man consciously or unconsciously. He and some classmates shed amusement in the locality in one evening, their response to a hospitable blue-eyed and golden-haired woman caused his inspiration at that time. When receiving and observing these rivals assortedly, often the idea fermenting suddenly became clear in his brain. His thesis published about the game theory in writing thereupon ----" mathematics in the competition " ----Have made different explanations of father of modern economy Adam- the theory of Smith boldly. This has already been accepted the thought for 150 years by people to suddenly become outmoded, have received assorted life too and changed from then on.

Have received and got and carried on the research and work of teaching assortedly in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT ) later, this is the job that a piece of everybody covets , but he is unsatisfied with these. Science once played an enormous role for American winning in World War II. Now, the cold war prevails, receive and wish eagerly to give play to one's own advantage assortedly in this new conflict . Realizing in the he one hope,William on it is mysteriously- the thorough in handkerchief (William Parcher,Ed- there aren't Harris, Ed Harris) recruit him and participate in a top-secret task , analyses and explains the enemy's password.

It is assorted while working in Massachusetts Institute of Technology to receive , make the commitment to this job of taking up one's energy. Here, has received and received a kind of brand-new challenge assortedly , but the challenge this time is to come from coloured and dazzling Alicia - draw and guide (Alicia Larde, Jennifer- can't adorn with Connelly,Jennifer Connelly),pieces of department of physics student, she is to the idea of receiving and introducing one assortedly and never considering conscientiously ----Love.

Soon , receive assorted to marry Alicia, but he can tell her he for handkerchief thorough dangerous project engaged ined. This job is so careless slightly as to reveal, the consequence will be too ghastly to contemplate . It has to do silently to receive assortedly, he has been fascinated deeply by this job, and lose it in the illusion that these can't be resisted finally. Through diagnosing , what he got is vainlying hope type schizophrenia.

Receiving the assorted experience and is frightened terribly by Alicia, she is struggling and is being destroyed under the heavy pressure that the talent loves. Seem to bring new terror to them with every whole day, this has already lost the share that let people envy originally to admirable companion. But Alicia has still found his glamour free from worldly cares on man whom she loved, this too supports the source that she promises to him. Receive that faithful love of Chongqing and loyal emotion of hers, it determines finally that considered to be thising can only take a favorable turn , can't cure the disease and do struggle to receive assortedly.

Humble receiving the assorted goal is very simple, but it is extremely difficult to realize these goals . Under the heavy pressure of the serious illness, he is still driven by that exciting mathematics theory, he is determined to look for one's own method to return to normal . It is through the strength of the will definitely, he continues carrying on his work as before , and got the Nobel Prize in 1994. Meanwhile, he has much perspective work to become the theory with strongest influence power of the 20th century in game theory, and it is assorted to receive and become one and not merely have beautiful emotion , the person that has beautiful soul.
